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The Illuminated Wise Woman

A Portal to the New Millennium

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Have you longed to be The Wise Woman for your community?

This Illuminated Wise Woman Program  gives you the opportunity to fulfill your purpose as a Mentor for your entire community.

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For over 42 years I have been a seeker of evolution through the transformative power of birth.
I have been honored to follow women and families as a midwife and birthkeeper and to witness their needs and desires.
Taking care of ourselves and each other seems to be a lost art, but one that begs to be retuned, revamped and revitalized in the hands of
The Wise Woman.
She has been with us for ages and now is HER TIME to resurrect and illuminate the path
for evolution.


Here is how our program unfolds

We have four basic topics that undergird the province and purpose of the Wise Woman of the New Millennium…

~ Conscious Evolution of the Planet.
~ Birth as a Transformational Experience
~ The Medicine of the Future: the Feminine Perspective
~ The Art of Peacekeeping and Conflict Resolution

On each of the four days we will explore a different topic…



Conscious Evolution of the Planet
Opening the Portal

~The Illuminated Wise Woman takes care of herself so she can better take care of others. She creates a Consciousness Container for herself.

We’ll share some simple, natural, affordable and accessible self care practices that offer immediate alignment and restoration.

~The Wise Woman understands Alchemy…the art and science of Transformation.

We’ll look at the language and meaning of Altered States of Consciousness and see them as the portal to navigating an evolving world.

~ The Wise Woman understands the Cosmology, the World View, of our planet.

We’ll explore the true story of how we come into being. Conception is a noble and beautifully orchestrated experience, contrary to what we may have been told.

~ The Wise Woman holds the authentic template of our creation and understands that Women are the Ancestral Sex.

We will also delve into some Quantum Biology, Brain Wave States, The Pineal Gland and DMT, a Quantum Paradigm and Parthenogenesis. And yes, Women have the complete component of genetic material to create life… I’ll show you the biology.



Birth as Transformation

The Birth Portal: Receiving the Light

We will understand and revel in the Magnitude of Birth.

Families are really showing up for Birth and they want their caregivers… midwives and mentors, doulas and doctors…to evolve with them.

The Wise Woman can sit with families in birth and be equally present to death.
The Wise Woman is available in all the transformations of Life.

We’ll look at the Practicalities of Birth and the advantages of a Self-Directed Birth.
We’ll delve into the pure physiology of birth…
Why do babies breathe?
What is the Double Dilation?
What are the two stages of 2nd stage?
How is the Placenta the baby’s twin?
Placenta…Medicine, Magic and Placenta Readings
The Gift of the Postpartum.
The Power of the Witness 



Healing in the Feminine Perspective
The Medicine of the Future: The Wise Woman Way 

We will explore some different approaches to healing and we’ll look at the noble Roots of Western Medicine.

That will lead us to understanding the concepts of Homeopathy… but homeopathy practiced with the Feminine touch…. not the way it is often practiced today with a very Yang presence.

Once we see the deeper dimensions that homeopathy can offer in the Yin/Feminine/Wise Woman perspective we will be giving remedies with the tips of our fingers.

 We will look at the Time Spiral as a means to identify patterns in a person’s life rather than using a list of facts and symptoms.

We’ll recognize herbs as sentient beings and explore how we can use herbs and homeopathy as Sister Sciences.

 We look look at the five great patterns of disease and how homeopathy can address Ancestral trauma and patterns of disease, addiction and abuse.

Well look at some Women’s remedies that you can start using right away.

And we’ll discuss a very important principle of healing regarding exaltation and decline.

The Wise Woman can be your herbalist, your homeopath, your consultant, and always, your confident. 



Communication and Mediation to Resolve Conflict
Peacekeeping and Opening the Portal to Witnessing 

We will start with a recitation of the Tao and what it means to navigate the relationship of ebb and flow.

The Wise Woman knows that, in many cases, healing deep issues requires witnessing. She can address wounds without spinning them but rather excavating wounded places and bringing resolution.
The Wise Woman knows that healing wounds is a key to evolution.

We will dive deeper into Feminine Power and using power wisely.
That will lead us to a discussion of Rank and Privilege…

a huge topic in the evolutionary wellness in this world.

We will explore different Styles of Behavior and gather skills for Mediation and Conflict Resolution.

We will also be looking at two other topics as we unfold our four days.
~Sex as a Path to the Divine including the Infinite Orgasm and

The Yin and Yang of Sex
~And the greatest Gift of All…


 Upcoming Programs

  • Illuminated Wise Woman - IN PERSON in Washington State
    Illuminated Wise Woman - IN PERSON in Washington State
    Thu, Nov 14
    Washington, USA
    Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey and become the Illuminated Wise Woman your community needs? Join Whapio on this transformative IN PERSON weekend program in WA
  • Breathing and Bleeding ~ The Quantum Approach
    Breathing and Bleeding ~ The Quantum Approach
    Sat, Nov 23
    Via Zoom
    In this two-day workshop we will look into these two fundamental topics: the infant’s first breath and the successful separation and birth of the placenta. Understanding these two functions will give us confidence and competence in case of experiencing a variation of normal.
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